Tag: report

Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A)

What is the 'Management Discussion and Analysis - MD&A' Management discussion and analysis (MD&A) is the section of a company's annual report...

Assets under Management

DefinitionIn finance, assets under management, sometimes called funds under management, measures the total market value of all the financial assets which a financial institution...

Abusive Tax Shelter

What is 'Abusive Tax Shelter' An investment scheme that claims to reduce income tax without changing the value of the user's income...

Abandoned Property

What is 'Abandoned Property' Assets such as cash, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, uncashed checks, land, life insurance policies and the contents of...

Rate Of Adoption

What is 'Rate Of Adoption' The number of members of a society who start using a new technology or innovation during a...

Real-Time Trade Reporting

What is 'Real-Time Trade Reporting' A requirement imposed on market makers (and in some instances, non market makers) to report each trade...

Real Asset

What is a 'Real Asset' Real assets are physical assets that have value due to their substance and properties. Real assets include...

Real Estate Short Sale

What is a 'Real Estate Short Sale' A real estate short sale is any sale of real estate that generates proceeds that...
Sales per square foot

Sales Per Square Foot

What is sales per square foot and why is it important for retailers Sales per square foot is a measure of how much revenue a...


What is a 'Backlog' A backlog is a buildup of work that needs to be completed. The term "backlog" has a number...

