Tag: rates

Vacancy Rate

What is the 'Vacancy Rate' The vacancy rate is the percentage of all available units in a rental property, such as a...

JMD (Jamaican Dollar)

What is 'JMD' The currency abbreviation or the currency symbol for the Jamacian dollar (JMD), the currency for Jamaica. The currency is...

Macro Accounting

What is 'Macro Accounting' Accounting for the total or aggregate economic activities of a nation. Macro accounting forms the basis for the...

CAGR – Compound Annual Growth Rate

The Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) is a financial term that measures the annual rate of growth of an asset over a given time...

ABA Bank Index

What is 'ABA Bank Index' A banking index that is made up of community banks and banking institutions. This index was created...

Pacific Exchange (PCX)

What is 'Pacific Exchange - PCX' An exchange network that coordinates the trading of stock options between both institutional and individual investors....

Obsolescence Risk

What is 'Obsolescence Risk' The risk that a process, product or technology used or produced by a company for profit will become...

Baby Bond

What is 'Baby Bond' Fixed income securities issued in small denominations, generally with a maximum face value of $5,000. The small denominations...

Occupational Labor Mobility

What is 'Occupational Labor Mobility' Refers to the ease with which workers can switch career fields to find gainful employment or meet...


What is a 'P-Test' A statistical method used to test one or more hypotheses within a population or a proportion within a...

