Tag: premium

Variable Universal Life Insurance (VUL)

What is 'Variable Universal Life Insurance - VUL' Variable universal life insurance (VUL) is a form of cash-value life insurance that offers...

Valuation Premium

What is 'Valuation Premium' The rate set by a life insurance company based on the value of the company's policy reserves. The...

Vanishing Premium

Vanishing Premium What is 'Vanishing Premium ' A type of periodic fee, paid in exchange for an insurance policy, that eventually...

Variable Life Insurance Policy

What is a 'Variable Life Insurance Policy' A variable life insurance policy is a form of permanent life insurance. Variable life insurance provides...


What is 'Variance' Variance is a measurement of the spread between numbers in a data set. The variance measures how far each...
Variable survivorship life insurance

Variable Survivorship Life Insurance

What is Variable Survivorship Life Insurance Variable survivorship life insurance is a type of permanent life insurance that pays a death benefit to the surviving...

Vanishing Premium Policy

What is 'Vanishing Premium Policy' A vanishing premium policy is a form of participating whole life insurance where the policyholder can use...

Fair Trade Price

What is 'Fair Trade Price' Fair trade price is the minimum price paid for certain agricultural products imported from developing countries. Fair...

Waiver Of Restoration Premium

Waiver Of Restoration Premium What is 'Waiver Of Restoration Premium ' A clause in an insurance policy that says that the...
waiver of premium rider

Waiver Of Premium Rider

What is a waiver of premium rider A waiver of premium rider is an insurance rider that waives the policyholder's obligation to pay premiums if...

