Tag: money

C corporation

C Corporation

What is a C Corporation A C corporation is a business structure in which the company's shareholders own its assets and are liable for its...

What are Fixed Interest Rates

What are Fixed Interest Rates There are several factors involved when you obtain a loan. For instance, when you look for a mortgage,...


What is 'Jackpot' A jackpot is the top prize in a game of chance; jackpots can be anything, including money, cars and...

ABC Agreement

What is 'ABC Agreement' An agreement made between a purchasing member with a seat on the NYSE and the firm in which...

Fabless Company

What is 'Fabless Company' The Global Semiconductor Alliance defines fabless as follows: Explaining 'Fabless Company' The fabless model is an...
TARP bonuses

TARP Bonuses

What are TARP bonuses and how do they work TARP bonuses are payments made to executives of companies that have received financial assistance from the...

CAPEX – Capital Expenditure

Capital expenditure, also known as capital expense (CAPEX) is defined as the expenses used by companies in acquiring assets for a long term, or...

Daily Factor

What is 'Daily Factor' A decimal representing the portion of an annual yield earned in one day. Daily factors are often reported...


What is 'G' A Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that it is the first preferred bond of the company. Explaining 'G' ...

NPV – Net Present Value

The difference between the present cash value and the value of cash outflows at present will give you the net present value. Net present...

