Tag: exchange

JMD (Jamaican Dollar)

What is 'JMD' The currency abbreviation or the currency symbol for the Jamacian dollar (JMD), the currency for Jamaica. The currency is...


What is C-Share and how does it work C-share is a type of mutual fund that allows investors to share in the unrealized gains or...


What is 'OEX' The ticker symbol used to identify index options traded on the Standard & Poor's 100 index. OEX options are...


DefinitionH shares refer to the shares of companies incorporated in mainland China that are traded on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Many companies float...

J Curve

What is 'J Curve' A theory stating that a country's trade deficit will worsen initially after the depreciation of its currency because...


What is 'CAD' What currency is CAD? CAD is the currency abbreviation or currency symbol for the Canadian dollar (CAD). The Canadian...

Pacific Exchange (PCX)

What is 'Pacific Exchange - PCX' An exchange network that coordinates the trading of stock options between both institutional and individual investors....

Zaraba method

What is ‘Zaraba method' Zaraba method is a method of matching orders that involves using an auction-like process to trade securities. The orders are organized...

SAFE Investment Company (China)

What is 'SAFE Investment Company (China)' The SAFE Investment Company is the Hong Kong branch of the Chinese sovereign wealth fund. The...

KRW (Korean Won)

What is 'KRW' The currency abbreviation or currency symbol for the Korean won (KRW), the former currency for Korea. The won was...

