Tag: euro

KYD (Cayman Islands Dollar)

What is 'KYD' The currency abbreviation or currency symbol for the Cayman Islands dollar (KYD), the currency for the Cayman Islands. The...
Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices

Harmonized Index Of Consumer Prices (HICP)

What is the Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP)? The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) is a measure of inflation produced by Eurostat, the...

Ifo Business Climate Survey

What is 'Ifo Business Climate Survey' A key monthly survey that measures the business climate in Germany. It is widely followed as...

National Currency

What is 'National Currency' The currency or legal tender issued by a nation's central bank or monetary authority. The national currency of...

Madeira Escudo

What is 'Madeira Escudo' The former currency of Madeira, an island off the coast of Portugal. The Madeira escudo was used as...

Absolute Rate

What is 'Absolute Rate' The fixed portion of an interest-rate swap, expressed as a percentage rather than as a premium or a...

Bailout Bond

What is 'Bailout Bond' A debt security issued by the Resolution Funding Corporation to bail out the savings and loan associations during...
bail bond

Bail Bond

What is bail bond and why do people need it Bail bonds are a type of surety bond that is posted on behalf of a...

Fallen Angel

What is a 'Fallen Angel' A fallen angel is a bond that was given an investment-grade rating but has since been reduced...

Tatra Tiger

Definition"Tatra Tiger" is a nickname that refers to the economy of Slovakia in period 2002 – 2007 and after 2010 following the ascendance of...

