Tag: decisions

Scarcity Principle

The Scarcity Principle, like other principles of economics, comes from the principles of psychology and behavioral sciences. As per the simplest definition, it states...


What is 'Backorder' An order for a good or service that cannot be filled at the current time due to a lack...


Corrections are price declines that are temporary, and interrupt the uptrend of an asset in the market. A correction can work as a precursor...

Call Rule

What is 'Call Rule' A exchange rule whereby the official bidding price for a cash commodity is competitively established at the end...

CAPM – Capital Asset Pricing Model

The CAPM is a model that helps in determining the price of securities keeping in view the risk an investor takes, and the return...

Source: WikipediaLast Sourced: 2021-02-01This Article has been Edited for Accessibility Further Reading Event studies in economics and financewww.jstor.org ECONOMISTS are frequently asked to...

Qualitative Analysis

What is 'Qualitative Analysis' Qualitative analysis is a securities analysis that uses subjective judgment based on unquantifiable information, such as management expertise,...

Financial Security

The term security in common usage denotes safety; however in financial parlance the term is taken to refer to a tradable financial asset. In fact this...

Falling Three Methods

What is 'Falling Three Methods' A bearish candlestick pattern that is used to predict the continuation of the current downtrend. This pattern...

Farm Team

DefinitionIn sports, a farm team, farm system, feeder team, practice squad, or nursery club, is generally a team or club whose role is to...

