Tag: currencies

KES (Kenyan Shilling)

What is 'KES' The currency abbreviation or currency symbol for the Kenyan shilling (KES), the currency for Kenya. The Kenyan shilling is...

U.S. Dollar Index (USDX)

What is the 'U.S. Dollar Index - USDX' The U.S. dollar index (USDX) is a measure of the value of the U.S....

E-Micro Forex Futures

What is 'E-Micro Forex Futures' Currency futures contracts traded on CME Globex that are one-tenth the size of standard Forex futures. Currency...

JMD (Jamaican Dollar)

What is 'JMD' The currency abbreviation or the currency symbol for the Jamacian dollar (JMD), the currency for Jamaica. The currency is...


What is 'Xenocurrency' A currency that trades in markets outside of its domestic borders. The term "xenocurrency" is derived from the prefix...

