Range Forward Contract

What is 'Range Forward Contract' It is a zero-cost currency forward contract that employs a variety of exchange rates rather than a single rate and...

Uncle Sam

What is 'Uncle Sam' A nickname dating back to 1812 used to refer to the U.S. government. The term is said to...

Off-Balance-Sheet Financing

DefinitionOff-balance sheet, or Incognito Leverage, usually means an asset or debt or financing activity not on the company's balance sheet. Total return swaps are...


A Long, or a long position, is an investment term that relates to securities such as currency, commodity, and stocks. Individuals that take the...

Economic And Social Stabilization Fund (Chile)

What is 'Economic And Social Stabilization Fund - Chile' The Economic and Social Stabilization Fund is a government-owned investment organization that manages...

Absentee Landlord

DefinitionIn economics, an absentee landlord is a person who owns and rents out a profit-earning property, but does not live within the property's local...


A stock is a security that proves ownership of an individual or a company in another corporation and it also represents a claim its...

Backorder Costs

What is 'Backorder Costs' A cost incurred by a business when it is unable to fill an order and must complete it...

Call Deposit Account

What is a 'Call Deposit Account' A call deposit account is a bank account for investment funds that offers the advantages of both a savings...

National Association Of Certified Valuation Analysts (NACVA)

What is 'National Association Of Certified Valuation Analysts - NACVA' A group of business professionals that provide valuation and litigation services for...