You’ve just paid your credit card bill, and the payment shows up as “posted” on your account. So why isn’t the balance lower? And when will the payment actually come out of your bank account?
It can be confusing when you make a payment on your credit card and it shows up as “posted” on your account but the balance doesn’t immediately go down. Here’s what’s happening:
When you make a payment on your credit card, the payment is first applied to any outstanding balances (like purchases or cash advances) before it is applied to your credit limit. So, even though the payment may show up as “posted,” it isn’t actually withdrawn from your bank account until after the balance is paid off.
Depending on when you made the payment, it may take a few days for it to show up on your account and be applied to any outstanding balances. So, if you’re trying to pay off your balance before the end of the month, make sure you allow enough time for the payment to post before the due date.
Remember, when you make a payment on your credit card, it will take a few days for the payment to post and be applied to any outstanding balances. So, if you’re trying to pay off your balance before the end of the month, make sure you allow enough time for the payment to post before the due date. By following these simple tips, you can avoid any confusion or stress when making payments on your credit card.