Tag: street

Korean Composite Stock Price Indexes (KOSPI)

What is 'Korean Composite Stock Price Indexes - KOSPI' A series of indexes that track the overall Korean Stock Exchange and its...

Key Currency

What is 'Key Currency' The currency used as a reference in an international transaction or when setting an exchange rate. The key...

Harvard MBA Indicator

What is 'Harvard MBA Indicator' A long-term stock market indicator that evaluates the percentage of Harvard Business School graduates that accept "market...

Headline Risk

What is 'Headline Risk' The possibility that a news story will adversely affect a stock's price. Headline risk can also impact the...

Hara-Kiri Swap

What is 'Hara-Kiri Swap' An interest rate or cross-currency swap devoid of any profit margin for the originator. The term gets its...

Hard Money

What is 'Hard Money' Hard money consists of funding by a government or organization that is repetitive, rather than a one-time grant....

Headline Earnings

What are 'Headline Earnings' Headline earnings is a basis for measuring earnings per share implemented by the Institute of Investment Management and...

Headline Effect

What is 'Headline Effect' The effect that negative news in the popular press has on a corporation or an economy. Whether it...

Incestuous Dealing

Incestuous Dealing What is 'Incestuous Dealing ' The dealing of securities among multiple parties, in order to create advantageous financial benefits...

In Street Name

What is an 'In Street Name' An in street name is a brokerage account where the customer's securities and assets are held...

