Tag: energy

Tips for Realizing Your Potential

What are your goals in life? Do you tend to focus on professional aspirations, raising a family, owning a home, or being physically healthy?...

The Impact of Industrialization on Oil Demand

Industrialization has had a significant impact on the global demand for oil. As more and more countries undergo industrialization, the demand for oil increases,...

How to Save Money on Your Business’s Energy Bills: A Comprehensive...

As a business owner, it is important to think about the bottom line. One of the ways to save money is to reduce your...

Heating Degree Day (HDD)

What is 'Heating Degree Day - HDD' The number of degrees that a day's average temperature is below 65oFahrenheit (18o Celsius), the...

Headline Inflation

DefinitionHeadline inflation is a measure of the total inflation within an economy, including commodities such as food and energy prices, which tend to be...
Heavy Industry

Heavy Industry

What is Heavy Industry Heavy industry is a category of manufacturing that involves the production of large, bulky products such as cars, trains, ships, and...

Halloween Massacre

Definition"Halloween Massacre" is the term associated with the major reorganization of United States president Gerald Ford's cabinet on November 4, 1975, which was an...

Yearly Renewable Group Term Insurance

What is 'Yearly Renewable Group Term Insurance ' A type of insurance policy purchased by employers to cover several people at a...

Yield Elbow

What is 'Yield Elbow' The point on the yield curve indicating the year in which the economy's highest interest rates occur. The...

In-House Financing

What is 'In-House Financing' In-house financing is a type of seller financing in which a firm extends customers a loan, allowing them...

