Santiago Stock Exchange (SSE) .SN

What is ‘Santiago Stock Exchange (SSE) .SN’

Located in Santiago, the SGO is the premier stock exchange of Chile. It trades stocks, bonds, investment funds, derivatives and gold and silver Chilean coins. It also has an electronic trading platform called Telepregon, which trades U.S. dollars. Only market shares are traded on the floor in conjunction with screen trades.

Explaining ‘Santiago Stock Exchange (SSE) .SN’

The SGO was founded in 1893. It runs from 9:30am to 4:30pm in the winter and stays open until 5:30pm in the summer. The SGO posts three major indices, the General Stock Price Index, the Selective Stock Price Index and the Inter-10 Index.

Further Reading

  • The interplay between home and host country institutions in an emerging market context: Private equity in Latin America – [PDF]
  • Emergency short selling restrictions in the course of the financial crisis – [PDF]
  • The effects of bank market power in short-term and long-term firm credit availability and investment – [PDF]
  • The Impact of Pre-Announced Day-to-Day Intervention on the Colombian Exchange Rate – [PDF]
  • Implied default barrier in credit default swap premia – [PDF]
  • Trust and its determinants: Evidence from the Trustlab experiment – [PDF]
  • Healthy organizations: toward a diagnostic method – [PDF]