Tag: variable

variable-rate certificate of deposit

Variable-Rate Certificate Of Deposit

What is a Variable-Rate Certificate of Deposit (VRCD)? A variable-rate certificate of deposit (VRCD) is a type of investment account that offers a variable interest...

Value Averaging

What is 'Value Averaging' An investing strategy that works like dollar cost averaging (DCA) in terms of steady monthly contributions, but differs...

Variable Coupon Renewable Note (VCR)

Variable Coupon Renewable Note (VCR) What is 'Variable Coupon Renewable Note - VCR' A renewable fixed income security with variable coupon rates...


What is 'Variability' Variability is the extent to which data points in a statistical distribution or data set diverge from the average,...
variable annuity

Variable Annuity

What is a Variable Annuity A variable annuity is a type of investment that offers the potential for tax-deferred growth and a death benefit. With...

Variable Rate Demand Bond

What is 'Variable Rate Demand Bond' A bond with floating coupon payments that are adjusted at specific intervals. The bond is payable...

Variable Cost

What is a 'Variable Cost' A variable cost is a corporate expense that varies with production output. Variable costs are those costs...

Variable Rate Demand Note (VRDN)

What is 'Variable Rate Demand Note - VRDN' A debt instrument that represents borrowed funds that are payable on demand and accrue...

Variable Life Insurance Policy

What is a 'Variable Life Insurance Policy' A variable life insurance policy is a form of permanent life insurance. Variable life insurance provides...
Variable survivorship life insurance

Variable Survivorship Life Insurance

What is Variable Survivorship Life Insurance Variable survivorship life insurance is a type of permanent life insurance that pays a death benefit to the surviving...

