Tag: overview

Uncovered Interest Rate Parity (UIP)

What is the 'Uncovered Interest Rate Parity - UIP' The uncovered interest rate parity (UIP) is a parity condition stating that the...


What is e-CBOT and how does it work The e-CBOT system is a secure, electronic platform that allows users to trade financial instruments including commodities,...

Economic Equilibrium

DefinitionIn economics, economic equilibrium is a state where economic forces such as supply and demand are balanced and in the absence of external influences...

Economic Indicator

What is an 'Economic Indicator' An economic indicator is a piece of economic data, usually of macroeconomic scale, that is used by...
Economic capital

Economic Capital

Define Economic Capital Economic capital refers to the money that a business or individual has available to invest in new ventures or cover unexpected expenses....


An MLP is a master limited partnership. These are companies organized as partnerships that are publicly traded, combining both the advantages of a private...

What is ADR

ADR stands for American Depository receipt. It is issued by the United States depository bank and is a negotiable certificate which represents a certain...

Labor Theory Of Value

Labor Theory Of Value What is the 'Labor Theory Of Value ' The labor theory of value was an early attempt...

