Tag: nber

Bad Paper

What is 'Bad Paper' Unsecured short-term fixed income instrument that is issued either by a corporation, city, state or country, that has...

Balance Sheet Reserves

What are 'Balance Sheet Reserves' Balance sheet reserves refer to the amount expressed as a liability on the insurance company's balance sheet...

Currency Carry Trade

Currency carry trade refers to a strategy that is used by investors to sell currencies with low interest rates and purchase currencies with a...

Paper Trade

What is 'Paper Trade' A paper trade refers to using simulated trading to practice buying and selling securities without actual money being...

Great Recession

Definition The Great Recession was a period of general economic decline observed in world markets during the late 2000s and early 2010s. The scale and...

Tax Efficiency

Definition A financial process is said to be tax efficient if it is taxed at a lower rate than an alternative financial process that achieves...

Daniel L. McFadden

DefinitionDaniel Little McFadden is an American econometrician who shared the 2000 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences with James Heckman. McFadden's share of the...


Diversification is a technique that deals with risk management by mixing a wide range of investments in a single portfolio in hope that the...


DefinitionUnderemployment is the under-use of a worker due to a job that does not use the worker's skills, or is part time, or leaves...

Economic Cycle

DefinitionThe business cycle, also known as the economic cycle or trade cycle, is the downward and upward movement of gross domestic product around its...

