Tag: coverage

Wear And Tear Exclusion

Wear And Tear Exclusion What is 'Wear And Tear Exclusion ' A provision of an insurance contract that states that the...

War Damage Insurance Corporation

What is 'War Damage Insurance Corporation' A government financial protection arm created during World War II to provide coverage for war risks...

Warehouse-To-Warehouse Clause

Warehouse-To-Warehouse Clause What is 'Warehouse-To-Warehouse Clause ' A clause in an insurance policy that provides for coverage of cargo in transit....

Waiver Of Subrogation

What is a 'Waiver Of Subrogation' A waiver of subrogation is a contractual provision where one party agrees to limit the rights...

Water Damage Legal Liability Insurance

What is 'Water Damage Legal Liability Insurance' A policy that provides financial protection to a person or business that unintentionally causes water...
Garage Liability Insurance

Garage Liability Insurance

What is Garage Liability Insurance and why do you need it Garage liability insurance is a type of insurance specifically for businesses that offer automotive...

Gap Insurance

DefinitionGuaranteed Auto Protection insurance was established in the North American financial industry. GAP insurance is the difference between the actual cash value of a...

Term Life Insurance

DefinitionTerm life insurance or term assurance is life insurance that provides coverage at a fixed rate of payments for a limited period of time,...

Underinsured Motorist Endorsement

What is 'Underinsured Motorist Endorsement' An added provision or attachment to an automobile insurance policy that provides insurance coverage to the policyholder...
Umbrella insurance policy

Umbrella Insurance Policy

What is Umbrella Insurance and what does it cover An Umbrella insurance policy is an insurance policy that provides additional coverage beyond the limits of...

