Tag: claim

Net Loss

Net Loss

What is net loss Net loss is defined as the value of a company's total expenses minus its total revenue. In other words, it is...


What is underinsurance and why do people buy it Underinsurance is insurance that does not cover the full value of an insured asset. For example,...


Any resource which has an economic value is termed as an asset. An asset is controlled by either an individual or an organization in...


DefinitionBailment describes a legal relationship in common law where physical possession of personal property, or a chattel, is transferred from one person to another...

Underinsured Motorist Coverage Limits Trigger

What is 'Underinsured Motorist Coverage Limits Trigger' One of the two triggers that can be specified by an insured party to protect...

Earned Income Credit (EIC)

What is 'Earned Income Credit - EIC' A tax credit in the United States which benefits certain taxpayers who have low incomes...


What is 'Xetra' An all-electronic trading system based in Frankfurt, Germany. Launched in 1997 and operated by the Deutsche Börse, the Xetra...
W-4 form

W-4 Form

What is the W-4 form and what is it used for The W-4 form is a document that is used by employers to determine the...

