Flotation Cost

Flotation Cost

What is flotation cost and why is it important to investors

Flotation cost is the costs incurred by a company when it sells new securities. The costs include underwriting fees, legal fees, and accounting fees. The flotation cost is important to investors because it affects the price at which the securities are offered. If the flotation cost is high, then the securities will be offered at a lower price, which means that the investors will get less for their investment. Flotation cost also affects the return on investment. If the flotation cost is high, then the return on investment will be lower. For this reason, it is important for investors to consider flotation cost when they are making investment decisions.

How to calculate flotation cost

To calculate the flotation cost, simply divide the total amount paid to investment bankers by the number of new shares issued. For example, if a company paid $1 million in flotation costs on a new issue of 1 million shares, the flotation cost would be $1 per share. While flotation costs can be significant, they are typically only a small fraction of the overall price of a new stock issuance. As such, they should not be the primary factor in deciding whether or not to pursue a particular financing opportunity.

Factors that influence flotation cost

There are a number of factors that can influence the amount of flotation costs, including the type of security being issued, the size of the issue, and the current market conditions. The most common type of flotation costs are underwriting fees, which are paid to the investment banks that help to bring the issue to market. Other common flotation costs include printing and legal fees.

In general, larger issues will have higher flotation costs as there are more costs associated with bringing the issue to market. Additionally, if market conditions are unfavorable, issuers may have to offer higher interest rates to attract buyers, which will also increase flotation costs. As a result, issuers must carefully consider a number of factors when determining how much it will cost to bring a new security to market.

Examples of how flotation cost can impact investment decisions

Flotation costs are the fees charged by investment banks when issuing new securities. These fees can have a significant impact on the overall return of an investment, and as a result, flotation costs must be carefully considered when making investment decisions. For example, let’s say you’re considering investing in Company X. Company X is currently valued at $100 million, and the investment bank is charging a 10% flotation fee. This means that you would need to invest $10 million in order to own 10% of the company.

However, if the company was valued at $200 million, the same 10% flotation fee would only cost you $5 million. As you can see, flotation costs can have a big impact on the price you pay for an investment, and this needs to be taken into account when making investment decisions.

Ways to reduce or avoid flotation cost

One way to reduce or avoid flotation cost is by negotiating with the underwriter. This can be done by asking for a lower offering price or a higher interest rate. Another way to reduce flotation cost is to use a direct public offering instead of an IPO. With a direct public offering, the company sells its shares directly to investors, bypassing the need for an underwriter. Finally, flotation cost can also be reduced by waiting to go public until the company is larger and more established. This approach may not be ideal for all companies, but it can help to minimize flotation costs.


Flotation costs are an important consideration when making investment decisions. When deciding whether to invest in a project, the flotation costs must be taken into account in order to determine the true cost of the investment. Flotation costs can vary widely depending on the type of security being issued and the market conditions at the time of issuance. As a result, it is important to work with a financial advisor to ensure that all relevant flotation costs are considered before making any investment decisions.