Abatement Costs

What is ‘Abatement Cost’

A cost borne by many businesses for the removal and/or reduction of an undesirable item that they have created. Abatement costs are generally incurred when corporations are required to reduce possible nuisances or negative byproducts created during production.

Explaining ‘Abatement Cost’

Examples of abatement costs would be the pollution reduction costs of paper mills and noise reduction costs of manufacturing plants.

Further Reading

  • Pollution abatement costs and foreign direct investment inflows to US states – www.mitpressjournals.org [PDF]
  • Carbon abatement costs: why the wide range of estimates? – www.iaee.org [PDF]
  • Marginal carbon abatement cost in China – en.cnki.com.cn [PDF]
  • Energy-related climate change mitigation in Brazil: Potential, abatement costs and associated policies – www.sciencedirect.com [PDF]
  • Marginal abatement cost (MAC) curves: confronting theory and practice – www.sciencedirect.com [PDF]
  • Evaluation of carbon emission performance and estimation of marginal CO2 abatement costs for provinces of China: a non-parametric distance function approach – en.cnki.com.cn [PDF]
  • The Copenhagen Accord: abatement costs and carbon prices resulting from the submissions – www.sciencedirect.com [PDF]
  • Financial incentives and endogenous enforcement in China's pollution levy system – www.sciencedirect.com [PDF]